This past weekend and week has flown by like the pelican's glide through the air at a wonderful evening sunset.....
To actually sit at my computer and think back of the happiness, laughs, thoughts, fear, anxiety, worry and tears that have been rolled into this wonderful memory that I have in my mind and heart from this past weekend in my life.....seems to overwhelm my mind at this time to actually put anything into words.....
"How" I am guessing, do things happen or things are said to make us realize what really we have in our lives and enjoy it no matter what.....
If I HAVE or will take ANYTHING that I have experienced in my life so far, I will take this....
If you are so very honest to be true to yourself and if you love who YOU are and embrace and love the people who love YOU, and let THOSE who want or need misery to be with misery and not lure YOU in then YOU shall embrace and enjoy life to the fullest and it shall overflow into the hearts and souls of your spouse, children and people who want to embrace the love that you believe.....and fill all those hearts with joy and not negativity, hate and jealousy......Laughter, excitement, joy, wishing and dreaming let our minds be filled with all the pleasures..
We are truely blessed and I awake every morning knowing the day is going to be filled with all the greatness and passion and joy that I allow my heart and soul to be fullfilled with.....
Positive, think positive do not allow the other in....close the gates and let the love seep through the openings.....
My mind is calm...I have let it go.....I am free....
"Sweet Thoughts In My Life"......