Sunday, December 27, 2009

Absolutely Perfect~

Capturing the moments...

It's everything I had wished and hoped for......with all the hussel and bussel !!!
A perfect Christmas Eve...
with special packages arriving in just the "nick" of time
Olivia's crib arrived and how excited Chanelly was to jump into the truck with Drew to go out and pick up the extra large package at JC Penney.....

Javi opened the box and gently carried all the pieces into the house, oh how pretty it already looked even not put together. Javi supplied the tools needed and up the stairs each piece went.
As Chanel snapped pictures Drew and I carefully read the directions and assembled Olivia's little special nest, not knowing a box had arrived at the front door addressed from Pottery Barn...yes the bedding ensemble had arrived from "Pittsburgh" Cathy, Wayne, Donnie & Ali had made the day "Perfect"~

Turkey is in the oven and the baking had begun, the smells of Christmas surrounded both homes with scrumptious anticipation for our family dinner.....
We all gathered as a family and enjoyed each other, laughing, talking and filling our bellies with wonderful morsels, then came the gifts with more chuckling and watching the dogs go crazy with all the wrapping paper , ribbon that was spread throughout the house...Pictures as a family, we did it and I am glad we took the time to capture the moment.....Our family was together ~
Sweet Moments in my life~