Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Life......What a week can do to your soul....

The dreaded Monday morning....where you awake and look at your clock and know it's that time, the time to begin another week of the dreaded word "WORK"....Don't get me wrong, I am fortunate to have work, I meet some pretty interesting people throughout my day......
But, as your minutes turn into hours and then the Monday ends and you clock think, "Oh how happy I am to go a place I love, to a place I can relaxe and be with my husband....then before you know it.....It's that time again...
But today, I stopped and thought about who I have with me in those minutes and hours and the people that I am fortunate to meet and work with.......and when I start feeling tired and really wish I did not have to do what I do, I realize...
This is Life, I have a wonderful Life !!!!! Today having a job, I must say this is a sweet thing in my life....
But when I go home, This Is The Sweetest Things In My Life !!!!
Because I have Family......That I Love and Love ME!!!!!