Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tiny Red, White & Blue....

Parade time....Very festive and tooo cute !!!

Alittle Tummy Time and ready for a nap before dinner.....

Daddy, Viejo and Olivia grilling the ribs......yummy!!!

Enjoying the finger licking ribs cooked all day from Viejo

Nona and Grandpa given love......
As the 4th of July is supposed to be....
We packed this weekend with lots and lots of celebration. Party planning, grillin burgers, corn and baked beans, cool cocktails and chillin in the pool with friends. Setting off our own fireworks, (if thats what these were called...we didn't even take pictures that how exciting "ours" were), but...Olivia was snuggled in her bed sleeping and we weren't about to attempt the beach scene and mosquito's .....
All in all our weekend was fantastic~
Sweeeeet Things In My Life ~